COST 276: Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication

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The main objective of the Action is to develop advanced multimedia data and knowledge management technologies for personal multimedia communication systems and services, including specific signal processing and implementation techniques for users' personal terminals. In addition, key system aspects are considered, such as: system integration, personification of services, usage trials and demonstrations of advanced personal services. The activities do not only influence the base of innovations and competitiveness, but are also making a contribution towards answering personal and European society's needs. The results include: • Improved multimedia information and data management methods, content and knowledge metadata descriptors, • Agent architectures and technologies for agent communication and agent mobility, data delivery and retrieval, and for system management, • Individualised service platforms based on user interface personalization, • New algorithms, architectures and system design that provide special features required by personalised multimedia services, • Advanced methods for Signal, Video, speech and sound processing and coding. The Action is oriented towards long-term basic research while recognising the iterative nature of developments in this field, due to the rapid development cycles of new technology. The major goals of the project were (1) to produce and to demonstrate working elements of advanced personalised multimedia communication systems and services and (2) to develop a vision of future application possibilities. Integration of all mentioned technologies into a single demonstration package was not targeted by the Action.

Formal Project Description
COST 276: Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication
Contract Title COST 276: Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication
Project Acronym COST 276: Knowledge Management
Donor European Commission
Call/Action Seventh Framework Programme
Link to the Call Research & Innovation
Partners Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute
Countries of the action Cyprus, Romania, Turkey...
Cost of Action
Cost for FWC
Grant for FWC
Dates 22/06/2001 - 21/06/2005

Main Page COST 276: Knowledge Management
Website NTNU Website
About Project Coordinating Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT

Specific objective(s)
In particular it will concentrate on:
General Description
A roadmap is being developed to produce:

External Links