Procedure: Laptop and internet subsidy

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This Procedure relates to Future Worlds Center's policy for Virtual officing.

I. Eligibility

Laptops will be authorized based upon job responsibilities, demonstrated need, and management approvals. The laptop replacement option will be available to eligible at the time their current lap top involved in the funding procedure of the organization is due for replacement under the standard three-year replacement cycle program. Replacement at any other time is discouraged, and funds will be available only under specific circumstances.

Criteria for Selection

- Associates who travel frequently as part of their job (assigned to certain projects)

- Associates who heavily use computers during their job

- Associates who need to make frequent software installations for use in multiple locations

- Associates who that require a particular software for research or any other special needs

II. Approval Process

All requests for laptops must be approved in written by the chair of board of the organization. The applicant must first secure oral approval from the head of units as well as from the IT responsible of the organization in order to make sure the laptop is sufficient for work purpose and submit the application to the Financial Officer of the organization. Application can be requested from the Financial Officer

III. Approval Process Requirements

- Associates will need to apply for funding by submitting the application form.

- Purchasing the laptop is not the obligation of the organization, but the responsibility of the associate. The purchase invoice must be issued on the name of the organization or without name as cash sale. Standard programs for the appropriate use of the laptop should be purchased together with the laptop by the associates and funding will be released by the organization for the total amount of purchase including this extra expense.

- Laptops are currently maintained on a three-year replacement cycle. Re-applying within this duration can be done just in case the laptop, involved in this program, is returned to the organization in good condition.

- Replacement cycle begins on the date of the purchase invoice of the laptop.

- Ownership of the laptop will reside with the organization and the laptop must be returned if employment ends within the three-year replacement cycle.

- At the end of the replacement cycle, the laptop should be returned to the organization in good condition.

- If the associate intends to continue using the laptop after the replacement cycle ended, s/he is entitled to purchase the laptop back on the amount of the current book value of the equipment at the end of the financial year within the replacement cycle ends.

- Laptops are purchased under a certain project are not subject of this policy.

Every Associate involved in the laptop-funding program must use the computer in accordance with the Laptop Security Policy of the organization.