For a detailed curriculum vitae of Constantina Spanoude click: Full CV.
Mrs Constantina Spanoude joined the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute in June 2013 as member of the IT Team. Her primary task is to develop mathematical and software solutions for ISM algorithms for the third generation Cogniscope and for the scale-up applications. Her tasks are also related to the development of various educational software and mobile learning modules for iOS and Android environments.
She currently works at Ekkotek, which operates as the technology partner and technology transfer office of Future Worlds Center. Her main contribution includes apps' development for harnessing the Collective Intelligence and Collective Wisdom of groups to solve real world problems.
Short Bio
Constantina holds a M.Sc. (June 2012) in Computer Science and a B.Sc. (June 2009) in Mathematics both from the University of Cyprus. She is competent with various programming languages including Java, C, C++, C#, Matlab, Fortran, Livecode and she has extensive knowledge in Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing. She has experience in using:
- Windows, Unix / Linux, Mac OS
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (ASP.NET, C#)
- Eclipse plugin for Android Developers
- OPNET Modeler network simulator
- Oracle Designer (ERD, DFD & Function Hierarchy Diagrammer)
- MIPS Assembly Language and VHDL with Xilinx ISE 9.1i WebPack
- WEKA 3 toolkit (Data Mining Software in Java)
- Promela (PROcess MEta LAnguage)
- The model-checker SPIN (Simple Promela INterpreter)
She has also some experience with HTML, PHP, openGL and Relational Language DBs (MySQL)
MASTER THESIS: “Implementation and experimental analysis of Asynchronous Distributed Gossip Algorithms”
- Study of the complexity of gossip in an asynchronous, message-passing fault-prone distributed system through two different algorithms – called EARS and SEARS – which encompass different trade-offs between time and message complexity.
- Implementation of these algorithms using YALPS, an open-source Java library designed to facilitate the development and testing of distributed applications.
- Experimental Evaluation of the algorithms; figures and statements of results taken after testing the algorithms both in simulation and in real-world mode. Experiments in real-world mode have been executed on a global research network called PlanetLab.
MATHS RESEARCH: “Axisymmetric Poiseuille Flow of Newtonian fluid under pressure-dependent viscosity”
- Study of Poiseuille flow in a cylindric tube under pressure-dependent viscosity; Continuity equation, momentum equation and velocity components for this incompressible flow.
- Isolines, two-dimensional line plots and three-dimensional shaded surface showing the evolution of velocity, using Matlab Language