Camille Lechoux

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Revision as of 05:11, 15 June 2022 by Laouris (talk | contribs)
Camille Lechoux
Camille Lechoux
Period at FWC Jan - Jul 2022
Field of Study Political Sciences
Sending University Science PO Toulouse
Involvement at FWC Project of "Decolonizing the curriculum" & “Recommendations for international project managers competences recognition and validation for lifelong learning”
Achievements to be...

Camille joined Future Worlds Center as an intern from XXXXXX between February and July 2022. She subsequently returned to France to continue her studies at Sciences Po Toulouse.


Camille is studying political sciences and specializing in international relations in the French school called Sciences Po Toulouse.


She has been involved in a few virtual SDDP applications within the R-I-PEERS H2020 project and a “Decolonizing the curriculum” project with the OSUN network of universities. She was also the main contact person for the “Recommendations for international project managers competences recognition and validation for lifelong learning” (AER-V) organized in Paphos by Future Worlds Center in May 2022.