R-I-Peers - Athens Virtual SDD Obstacles we face when designing and implementing GEPs

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Report Title Obstacles we face when designing and implementing GEPs in R-I-PEERS - Athens SDD
Project R&I PEERS
Triggering Question What barriers or obstacles do we face when designing and implementing GEPs?
Location Athens
Dates 2021
Lead Facilitator(s) Yiannis Laouris
Assistant Facilitator(s) Marcus - Kevin
Author(s) Jordan Kent
Editor(s) Yiannis Laouris
Total Duration 9 hrs
Statistics Participants=15
Number of ideas=29
Number of Clusters=4
Ideas received Votes=22
Ideas on MAP R=15
Spreadthink ST=70.8%
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Executive Summary

TThe Mutual Learning Workshop "What are the best practices to overcome problems, barriers, issues when implementing your GEPs?" was organised virtually (Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent sanctions and difficulties in traveling abroad, the consortium of the project decided to deliver the workshop virtually) over 4 sessions using Zoom on the dates shown below. The Greek partner, ISOTITA has sent the invitation 6 weeks before the event to many national, some international and all partners.

  • 16/12/2021 (30 min) Preparatory for introductions and to explain the process
  • 13/1/2022 (2 hrs) Collection and Clarification of contributions
  • 20/1/2022 (2 hrs) Clustering
  • 27/1/2022 (2 hrs) Structuring and Road Mapping

Yiannis Laouris, from the Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute (CNTI) has served as the Facilitator. in the context of the project R&I PEERS funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme,

The workshop, which was realised using the participatory methodology of the Structured Democratic Dialogue (SDD), brought together fifteen (15) experts from the gender equality field representing universities, governmental and scientific bodies as well as enterprises to discuss the existing practices across Gender Equality Plans (GEPs).

The Triggering Question (TQ) of the workshop was: What barriers or obstacles do we face when designing and implementing GEPs?

"What existing practices can be identified to facilitate the development and implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in academia and research organisations?"

In response to the TQ, the XX participants came up with 54 ideas, which were categorized in 4 clusters. Following the voting process, 22 ideas received one or more votes and were structured to create the influence MAP shown below.

Cluster 1- Commitment: Cluster 2- Resources: Cluster 3- Knowledge-Awareness: Cluster 4- Conflict with existing HR Cluster 5- Inclusion of employees Cluster 6- Evaluation Cluster 7- Not evidence-based Cluster 8- Environment: Cluster 9- Beaurocracy Cluster 10- Insufficient Measures Cluster 11- Research

Influence tree from the ideas generated at Towards the identification of obstacles in implementing the Gender Equality Plans within an organisation Workshop

According to the participants of this workshop, the practices that appear to be the most influential were:

  • Practice #6: (2 votes) Monitoring gender & diversity state-of-art, gathering gender disaggregated quantitative & qualitative data
  • Practice #7: (6 votes) Collection of gender equality data from existing admin database
  • Practice #16: (3 votes) Presence of females in the board to select new researchers
  • Practice #26: (3 votes) Try to attract more males in Gender Equality Committees
  • Practice #27: (4 votes) Introduce some basic gender curricula in STEM

The workshop was facilitated by Andreas P. Andreou.

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