Policy: Signing an Honour Declaration

From Future Worlds Center Wiki

Future Worlds Center expects associates and interns to understand economic, legal and social issues surrounding the use of information. Associates and interns will access and use information ethically and legally. Plagiarism, appropriating intellectual property (including internet sources), misusing library are examples of unethical and in some cases, illegal behavior. Due to the fact that dissemination of information is constantly evolving, ethics and standards may not always be clear, therefore this document is committed to providing associates/employees and interns with the knowledge to meet expectations of professional ethics and standards. Therefore, every individual associated with our organization shall sign a Declaration of Honor on his/her first day.

The Honour Declaration must include he following text:

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood Future Worlds Center's Policies and Procedures. While using the Future Worlds Center's physical, as well as virtual spaces, and while participating in Future Worlds Center's projects and activities, I will act responsibly according to the guidelines elaborated in the Policies and Procedures, and I will behave in accordance with the philosophy and mission of the Organization.

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