Cyberethics Team on Sin/Plin CyBC TV 7 Feb 2011

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Cyberethics Team on Sin/Plin CyBC TV Feb 2011
Cyberethics Team on Sin/Plin CyBC TV Feb 2011
Project Cyberethics
Media Name CyBC
Host (Journalist) Vivian Kanari
Interviewee(s) Yiannis Laouris
Date(s) 07/02/2011
Audience CyBC audience
Total Duration 1.5 hours

On the 7th of February 2011, representatives of the Cyberethics team visited the CyBC studios for the TV show Sin Plin hosted by Vivian Kanari. Yiannis Laouris of Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute discussed about Parents and their involvement with their children on the Internet. The program promoted the Cyberethics project. The discussion focused on parents involvement with their children's internet activities. The ‘Sin Plin’ program took place in the afternoon for one and a half hour and allowed also callers to intervene with questions.