Hasan Kahvecioglu

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Hasan Kahvecioglu
Hasan Kahvecioglu
With FWC 2007
Title Member of Advisory Board for New Media Landscape
Key Project(s) New Media Landscape

Mr. Hasan Kahvecioglu is friend of the organization for many years. A well-known journalists among the Turkish Cypriot community, Hasan faced prison many times for his braveness to express his opinion in the media.

Hasan was Partner in second and third phase to the Talk of the Island project. As owner of Radio Mayis agreed to host the first ever bicommunal radio program with the same name (.e., Talk of the Island GR: Η φωνή της Κύπρου). The program was funded by HasNa Inc. and the United States Institute of Peace. The live program was implemented together with Greek Cypriot journalist, Mr. Kyriakos Pierides

Hasan has also participated both as member of the Advisory Board as well as participant in the SDDP New Media Landscape Problématique for New Media Landscape. Folloing the event, he hosted Aleco Christakis in the bicommunal program.