Keeping children and young people safe online - Poland (19-22/09/2011)

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Keeping children and young people safe online - Poland (19-22/09/2011)
Keeping children and young people safe online - Poland (19-22/09/2011)
Project Cyberethics
Place Poland
Date(s) 19-22/09/2011


The event addressed a wide variety of issues relating to children‟s and young people‟s safety online, such as privacy in social networking sites, managing online identity, plagiarism, educational strategies and emerging trends online. Dr. Yiannis Laouris (Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute) participated in the conference as key-note speaker presenting the topic "Connecting Generations: Should children take the lead?" Dr. Laouris presented the case of the digital divide that exists between young and old people. He explained the reasons (derived through research and experience) on why children should take the lead to educate older people on new technologies. Moreover, Mr. Panayiotis Iacovou CYTA participated in this conference.

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