Nuri Silay

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Revision as of 00:25, 21 September 2016 by Charikleia (talk | contribs)
Διατίθεται ἀπόγνωσις εἰς ἀριστιν κατάστασιν, και εὐρίχωρον ἀδιέξοδον. Σε τιμές ευκαιρίας Ἀνεκμετάλλευτον καἰ εὒκαρπον ἒδαφος πωλεῖται ἐλλειψει τύχης και διαθέσεως. Καἰ χρόνος ἀμεταχείριστος ἐντελώς. Πληροφοίαι: Ἀδιέξοδον Ώρα: Πᾶσα

Nuri Sılay

Nuri Silay is 35 years old and was born in Famagusta.

Studied Industrial (Systems) Engineering in Eastern Mediterranean University and then Post-Graduate program of Business Information Technology in Kingston University London.

It has been nearly 10 years that he is part of conflict resolution, peace building and reconciliation process in Cyprus. Nuri work and cooperate with regional and international civil society organizations to embed peace culture in the societies.

Nuri Silay was on 3 months internship programme at Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute and workded with Mr. Yiannis Laouris and his team.

I was working on the development of mathematical mobile application for high school students to evaluate and determine their knowledge level of mathematics to prepare customized mathematical learning process for every and each of the students that they can learn mathematics time effectively.

Also i joined to the one week long camp at Troodos about Reinventing Democracy at Digital Era.