Providing ICT-based formal and informal care at home (SENIOR-TV)

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SENIOR-TV uses leading-edge technologies in the fields of interactive TV, analysing the latest trends, and having as a starting point a well-tested system, SAM-TV, which is based on non- proprietary, open technologies. As control peripherals, apart from the traditional remote control, it uses smartphones, tablets, WiiMotes and Kinect—with the possibility of integrating devices suitable to people with physical disabilities. It establishes as conditio sine qua non the low cost of the devices needed at each home. 600 euros has been determined as the maximum expenditure for each home. This envisages the possibility of using Smart TVs (meeting the technical requirements in Section 2) as an ideal option for the future. Please note that the cost of devices if the successful SAM-TV project was under 200 euros per home. It fosters informal care services, some of which were already present in SAM-TV (rehabilitation games, content targeted at older adults and caregivers, and social networks); combining them with formal care services; and linking them to the prevention of physical and cognitive deterioration, to the early detection of age-related diseases, and to the treatment of chronic illnesses. SENIOR-TV will be a holistic system that integrates, for the first time, formal and informal social care services.

It situates older adults in the centre of the design—thanks to the participation of people from the associations involved in the consortium from the early stages of the design—and, in particular, their well-being and happiness. To that end, some services will be present from the first version of SENIOR-TV: TV clients for social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), access to daily sources of information (newspapers, events in the neighbourhood, weather, etc.), sources of entertainment and informal training (Wikipedia, YouTube, TV channels on rehabilitation); all those services will be accessible through very simple interfaces (see examples of screenshots from SAM-TV in the section before). SENIOR-TV is a system that “resides” at home, in the living room at the homes of older adults, a place that is very familiar, using a domestic appliance that has always been with them, and that now gets “smart” in order to promote their activity, avoid their physical and cognitive deterioration, and keeping them in contact with their loving ones for as long as possible.

Formal Project Description
Contract Title Providing ICT-based formal and informal care at home (SENIOR-TV)
Project Acronym SENIOR-TV
Donor AAL
Lead Partner Center for Security Studies (KEMEA)
Agreement n° HOME/2013/ISEC/INT/4000005215
Partners Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute
Countries of the action Greece, Cyprus, UK
Cost of Action 544,755.56
Grant 490,271.00
Cost for FWC 78,713.05
Grant for FWC 70,859.74
Dates 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2016

Main Page Engaging Users in Preventing and Fighting Cyber Crime
Overall objective(s)

SENIOR-TV uses leading-edge technologies in the fields of interactive TV, analysing the latest trends, and having as a starting point a well-tested system, SAM-TV, which is based on non- proprietary, open technologies. As control peripherals, apart from the traditional remote control, it uses smartphones, tablets, WiiMotes and Kinect—with the possibility of integrating devices suitable to people with physical disabilities. It establishes as conditio sine qua non the low cost of the devices needed at each home. 600 euros has been determined as the maximum expenditure for each home. This envisages the possibility of using Smart TVs (meeting the technical requirements in Section 2) as an ideal option for the future. Please note that the cost of devices if the successful SAM-TV project was under 200 euros per home. It fosters informal care services, some of which were already present in SAM-TV (rehabilitation games, content targeted at older adults and caregivers, and social networks); combining them with formal care services; and linking them to the prevention of physical and cognitive deterioration, to the early detection of age-related diseases, and to the treatment of chronic illnesses. SENIOR-TV will be a holistic system that integrates, for the first time, formal and informal social care services.

It situates older adults in the centre of the design—thanks to the participation of people from the associations involved in the consortium from the early stages of the design—and, in particular, their well-being and happiness. To that end, some services will be present from the first version of SENIOR-TV: TV clients for social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), access to daily sources of information (newspapers, events in the neighbourhood, weather, etc.), sources of entertainment and informal training (Wikipedia, YouTube, TV channels on rehabilitation); all those services will be accessible through very simple interfaces (see examples of screenshots from SAM-TV in the section before).

SENIOR-TV is a system that “resides” at home, in the living room at the homes of older adults, a place that is very familiar, using a domestic appliance that has always been with them, and that now gets “smart” in order to promote their activity, avoid their physical and cognitive deterioration, and keeping them in contact with their loving ones for as long as possible.
Specific objective(s)

Expected results
- A comprehensive study on emerging cybercrime patterns and threats towards identifying them and highlighting potential interconnections and interdependencies. - Consolidated specifications on cybercrime reports, and communications procedures between citizens and LEAs as well as among LEAs themselves, at both national and EU level. - A ready to use platform that may collect from various sources online data regarding suspicious or cybercrime events, perform intelligent processing in order to provide decisions, and, finally, produce formal reports that give guidance or evidences to LEAs in preventing and fighting cybercrime. - Real world results from UINFC2's platform pilot operation. - Dissemination of the UINFC2's platform, knowledge and experience gained, results, and achievements to the relevant stakeholders, scientific community, and EU citizens. - Strengthen the collaboration and enhance the common understanding among all the involved stakeholders. - Engage all relevant stakeholders (academia, citizens, private sector) in preventing and fighting cybercrime.

- Build a comprehensive intelligence picture for LEA and defense authorities in order to gain knowledge, produce best practices, as well as materialize appropriate measures and guidelines for threats