Efi Nisiforou

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Efi Nisiforou
Efi Nisiforou
With FWC 2012 - 2013
Title Research Associate
Key Project(s) Mental Attributes Profiling Systems
Tales Masters
Key Interests Neuroscience, Teacher Education, Learning Styles
Degree(s) BA, MEd , PhD (pend)
Filed(s) of study Education (major): Educational Neuroscience & Technology, humanities, teaching and learning skills, human computer interaction, brain-computer interaction, social media, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education
University(ies) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Manchester University, UK
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Efi Nisiforou is collaborating as an External Scientist with the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute since 2012 in the Mental Attributes Profiling Systems and the Tales Masters projects.


Efi has been assigned by the Board of Directors in charge of the preparation of the application to the Ministry of Education for the foundation of The Mediterranean Graduate School of Social Cognition. She is a PhD Candidate in Educational Neuroscience and Technology, she has a Masters in Educational Leadership and School Improvement with specialization in Learning styles and two BAs’ in young pupils Education.


  • Nisiforou, E, & Eteokleous, N. (accepted). The Role of Blogging in a Changing Society: Theory, Practice and Implications. When our changing society meets the Social Media era. In Cases on Teacher Identity, Diversity, and Cognition in Higher Education, IGI Global.
  • Nisiforou, E, & Laghos, A. (accepted). When our changing society meets the Social Media era. In V. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education and Technology in a Changing Society.
  • Eteokleous, N., & Nisiforou, E. (2013). Interdiscplinarity Achieved through Blogs Development. In 9th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning Workshop.
  • Nisiforou, E., & Michaelidou, E. (2013). Cognitive Abilities and Visual Complexity: Web Users’ behaviour and perception. In 2nd Interaction Design & Human-Computer Interaction Workshop.
  • Nisiforou, E, & Eteokleous, N. (2013). Defining Evaluation Criteria in Blogging and Non Blogging: A Case Study from a Pedagogical Perspective. INTED 2013: International Technology, Education and Development Conference Proceedings (pp. 4750–4758). Valencia, Spain: IATED.
  • Eteokleous, N., & Nisiforou, E. (2013). Integrating Blogs as Cognitive Learning Tools: Designing and Evaluating Real Blogging. SITE 2013 Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, Louisiana United States, March 25-29.
  • Nisiforou, E., & Laghos, A. (2012). A Pilot Study using Electroencephalography and Eye-Tracking to Assess and Evaluate Learning Styles. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Conference International Council for Educational Media 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Nisiforou, E., & Laghos, A. (2011). An Overview: The Development of ICT in the Educational System of Cyprus. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 (pp.534-539). AACE.