Steven E. Wallis

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Steven E. Wallis
Steven E. Wallis
With FWC 2015 - 2017
Title Senior Scientist
Degree(s) A.S. Physical Science, A.S. Electronics Technology, BA Sociology, M.A. Psychology, M.A. Human and Organizational Systems, PhD Human and Organizational Systems
Filed(s) of study Organizational behavior, Organizational theory, Science of Conceptual Systems, Strategic Planning, Policy, Ethics
University(ies) Fielding Graduate Institute Santa Barbara (CA), Capella University, Harold Abel School of Social and

Behavioral Sciences, University of Phoenix, Novato (CA), University of San Francisco, San Francisco (CA), Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park (CA)

Dr.Steven E. Wallis joined the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute as External Senior Scientist in January 2015. He has been collaborating with the Institute in a number of research projects related to Cybersecurity, Radicalization and Policy Analysis.


Dr. Wallis is a Fulbright Specialist with more than 20 publications in peer reviewed journals. His groundbreaking scholarship found a critical limit to the advance of research and science, along with a solution. Focusing on the internal structure of theories and policy models, he developed Integrative Propositional Analysis (IPA) to double our ability for understanding the world and enacting positive, collaborative, and effective change while reducing program costs and minimizing unanticipated consequences. Dr. Wallis also mentors doctoral candidates at Capella University, Serves as Director of Meta-Analysis at Meaningful Evidence, LLC, and is a competitive epee fencer.

Recognition & Grants

  • 2015, Fulbright Specialist project #6376 – with the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) in Germany.
  • 2015, Winner, with co-author Bernadette Wright, Best Paper Award for “Innovations and Future Directions in Education” track. “Strategic Knowledge Mapping: The Co-creation of Useful Knowledge” at the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL) 42nd annual conference. March 4-6, 2015. Las Vegas, NV.
  • 2008, “Outstanding reviewer” Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • 2004, “Best Self Help Book” for “Easy Genius" Bay Area Independent Publishers Assn.
  • 1997, Recipient of Scholarship, Grant to study social sciences. Sonoma State University.
  • 1994, Recipient of certificate, “Surveyor General” – by Sociology faculty at Sonoma State University.

Selected Publications

  • Wallis, S., Valentinov, V. (2016). A limit to our thinking and some unanticipated moral consequences: A science of conceptual systems perspective with some potential solutions. Accepted for publication in Systemic Practice and Action Research 6/24/2016.
  • Wallis, S., Valentinov, V. (2016). What Is Sustainable Theory? A Luhmannian Perspective on the Science of Conceptual Systems. Foundations of Science, online first :
  • Wallis S., Wright B. (2016). Integrative Propositional Analysis: The Missing Link for Creating More Effective Laws. The Science of Laws Journal Vol. 2, pp. 10-15.
  • Wallis, S. E. (2015). Are theories of conflict improving? Using propositional analysis to determine the structure of conflict theories over the course of a century. E:CO – Emergence: Complexity and Organizations. Vol. 17 (4).
  • Russel, D., Wallis, S. E. (2015). Designing a Learning Analytic System for Assessing Immersive Virtual Learning Environments. Chapter in Handbook of Research on Gaming Trends in P-12 Education. Donna Russell and James Laffey (Eds.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Wright B., Wallis, S. (2015). Using Integrative Propositional Analysis (IPA) for evaluating entrepreneurship theories. SAGE Open, July-September, pp.1-9.
  • Wallis, S. (2015). Integrative Propositional Analysis: A New Quantitative Method for Evaluating Theories in Psychology. Review of General Psychology, Vol 19(3), 365-380. Special Section: Metatheorizing in Psychology: Historical, Philosophical, and Cultural Perspectives.
  • Garber, Ilya E.; Wallis, Steven E. (2015). Transformation of psychology: From thinking/thought to metathinking/metathought. Review of General Psychology, Vol 19(3), Sep 2015, 329-333. Editorial / Preview for Special Section: Metatheorizing in Psychology: Historical, Philosophical, and Cultural Perspectives.