Policy: International Travel

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Revision as of 19:38, 9 July 2011 by Chief ed (talk | contribs)

Most of Future Worlds Center's people love to travel and gain experiences from other groups and other cultures. Fortunately, FWC has created many opportunities for international travel. The Organization is networked internationally and our associates are invited and expected to participate in many international events, conferences, workshops and trainings. Also, practically all our projects foresee some kind of travel and international exchanges.

Over the past few years more than 90 people traveled to over 60 destinations, more than 20 international experts have visited with the purpose of exchanging ideas, knowledge and experiences, and we have hosted many volunteers and interns from around the world.

Graph showing number of people traveling and number of destinations

Different types of travel opportunities

We distinguish between three types of travel:

  1. Travel that is part of a project in which the Associate has a key role
  2. Travel that is important for the Organization and/or specific projects, but is not necessary
  3. Travel that is considered as ‘opportunity’ resulting out of our strong network (Beneficiaries can be both members of Future Worlds Center or outsiders)

The first type is considered necessary for the people who are involved in a specific project. The Organization therefore, compensates 100% of the cost. This includes airfare, hotel, food, transportation and a small per diem. In general, the organization does not cover taxis or personal expenses and does not provide any daily allowance. The person traveling has to prepare the travel documents in a standardized method and to submit all receipts, boarding passes and the filled and signed Reimbursement Forms in order to be reimbursed. The second type is important but not necessary. Therefore, the Organization expects the person traveling to contribute minimally and to demonstrate appreciation for the opportunity. The third type of travel is sometimes treated in a case-by-case manner, but in all cases the following applies: The person traveling will usually be expected to contribute partly to the cost, because:

  1. The sponsor typically pays only part of the cost and;
  2. It is not a necessary trip for our projects.

Preparing for international travel

Participating in Future Worlds Center's international travel program is not holiday time. The person traveling (or being invited to travel) must prepare to adequately represent the organization. This includes the following:

  1. Have a Power Point presentation ready
  2. Take materials to disseminate about Future Worlds Center and its relevant projects
  3. Take gifts to the hosts

Individuals benefiting from Future Worlds Center's International Travel Policy, must follow the organizations's International Travel Procedure.