Chronological List of SDDPs by Future Worlds Center and Associates

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Revision as of 10:48, 27 July 2011 by Chief ed (talk | contribs)
Year Type Location Participants Project Facilitator(s) Triggering Question
1994 Diagnosis Ledra Palace 15 GCs Training of CRTG Ben Broome What are obstacles we must deal with as we engage in our peace-building efforts in Cyprus?
1994 Diagnosis Ledra Palace 15 TCs Training of CRTG Ben Broome What are obstacles we must deal with as we engage in our peace-building efforts in Cyprus?
1994 Design Ledra Palace 15 GCs Training of CRTG Ben Broome What are desired goals for our peace-building efforts during the next decade?
1994 Design Ledra Palace 15 GCs Training of CRTG Ben Broome What are desired goals for our peace-building efforts during the next decade?
1994 Action Ledra Palace 15 TCs Training of CRTG Ben Broome What are proposed options for accomplishing the goals from the Vision Statement?
1994 Action Ledra Palace 15 TCs Training of CRTG Ben Broome What are proposed options for accomplishing the goals from the Vision Statement?
1995 Action Ledra Palace 15 GCs + 15 TCs Training of CRTG Yiannis Laouris
Harry Anastasiou
What are
1995 Action Ledra Palace 15 TCs + 15 TCs Training of CRTG Yiannis Laouris
Harry Anastasiou
What are
2005 Diagnosis Limassol 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What are obstacles that prevent us from engaging educators?
2005 Diagnosis Limassol 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What ideas and actions can nodes do to materialize achieving max media with limited budget?
2005 Diagnosis Limassol 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What initiatives or actions can Nodes take in order to encourage the mobile industry to take desired actions?
2005 Diagnosis Limassol 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What are obstacles that prevent our current network of EU safer Internet Nodes from being optimal?
2005 Diagnosis Limassol 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What are obstacles that prevent our current network of EU safer Internet Nodes from being optimal?
2005 Diagnosis Limassol 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What are descriptors that characterize an ideal, efficient network of EU safer Internet Nodes?
2005 Diagnosis Brussels 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What actions can the current network of EU Safer Internet nodes take in order to reach the ideal and efficient network?
2005 Diagnosis Brussels 26 European country representatives Cyberethics Yiannis Laouris
Anna-Maria Drousiotou
What actions can nodes take either locally or jointly at the European level in order to organize a successful / well attended Safer Internet Day 2009?
29-30 Sep, 2006; 3 Oct, 2007 Diagnosis Larnaca, Cyprus; Lisbon, Portugal Representatives from 26 countries COST298: Yiannis Laouris
Marios Michaelides
What are the obstacles to the wider public benefiting from and participating in the broadband society?
2007/04/30 Design Keryneia Municipality, Nicosia Active citizens, Local authorities Volunteer contribution Yiannis Laouris
Tonia Loizidou
Elia Petridou
What are descriptors of an ideal image of a future Kyrenia?
7 Oct, 2005; 7-8 Mar, 2006 Ayia Napa, Cyprus; Seville, Spain Diagnosis 26 experts from 15 countries (National COST 219ter Representatives COST219ter Yiannis Laouris
Marios Michaelides
What obstacles prevent practical broadband applications from being produced and exploited?
9-11 May, 2007; 1-2 Oct, 2007 Design Stockholm-Helsinki, Sweden; San Sebastian, Spain 26 experts from 15 countries (National COST 219ter Representatives COST219ter Yiannis Laouris
Marios Michaelides
What actions can the COST219ter community take to alleviate the obstacles that prevent the development of practical applications?
2007 Design A' Elementary School, Derynia Mixture of pupils, teachers, parents Building a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-National Cyprus to promote European Values and Regional and International Peace Yiannis Laouris
Tonia Loizidou
Kerstin Wittig
Ποιά είναι τα χαρακτηριστικά του ιδανικού σχολείου που αξιοποιεί τα στοιχεία της νέας πολυ-πολιτισμικής Ευρωπαϊκής μας Κύπρου, προς όφελος των παιδιών;
2007 Diagnosis A' Elementary School, Derynia Mixture of pupils, teachers, parents Building a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-National Cyprus to promote European Values and Regional and International Peace Yiannis Laouris
Tonia Loizidou
Kerstin Wittig
Ποιά εμπόδια μας δυσκολεύουν να δημιουργήσουμε το ιδανικό σχολείο μιας πολυπολιτισμικής Ευρωπαϊκής Κύπρου;
2007 Design Highgate School, Lefkosia Mixture of pupils, teachers, parents Building a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-National Cyprus to promote European Values and Regional and International Peace Yiannis Laouris
[Larry Fergeson]]
Tonia Loizidou
Kerstin Wittig
What are characteristics of an ideal multicultural school?
2007 Diagnosis Highgate School, Lefkosia Mixture of pupils, teachers, parents Building a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-National Cyprus to promote European Values and Regional and International Peace Yiannis Laouris
Tonia Loizidou
Larry Fergeson
Kerstin Wittig
What obstacles do we face in our efforts to create an ideal multicultural school?
2007 Diagnosis Ministry of education, Lefkosia Mixture of pupils, teachers, parents Building a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-National Cyprus to promote European Values and Regional and International Peace Marios Michaelides
Tonia Loizidou
Kerstin Wittig
What obstacles do we face in our efforts to create an ideal multicultural school?
2007/07/04 Design Nicosia, Cyprus Active Citizens Volunteer contribution Yiannis Laouris
Mary Ioannou
What are descriptors of an ideal, inside the walls Nicosia
17-18, Mar 2008 Design Larnaca, Cyprus Representatives of Youth Organizations from 5 EU countries UCYVROK -- Uniting for Citizenship and Participation: Youth promoting Vulnerable Groups’ Rights, Opportunities and Knowledge Yiannis Laouris
Larry Fergeson
Kerstin Wittig
What are descriptors of an ideal society that is culturally diverse and inclusive?
17-18 , Mar 2008 Diagnosis Larnaca, Cyprus Representatives of Youth Organizations from 5 EU countries UCYVROK -- Uniting for Citizenship and Participation: Youth promoting Vulnerable Groups’ Rights, Opportunities and Knowledge Yiannis Laouris
Mary Ioannou
Tatjana Taraszow
What are obstacles that prevent us from reaching our ideal society that is culturally diverse and inclusive?
4-5 Jul, 2008 Design Pisa, Italy Representatives of Youth Organizations from 5 EU countries UCYVROK -- Uniting for Citizenship and Participation: Youth promoting Vulnerable Groups’ Rights, Opportunities and Knowledge Yiannis Laouris
Larry Fergeson
Kerstin Wittig
What are descriptors of an ideal society that is culturally diverse and inclusive?
4-5 Jul, 2008 Diagnosis Pisa, Italy Representatives of Youth Organizations from 5 EU countries UCYVROK -- Uniting for Citizenship and Participation: Youth promoting Vulnerable Groups’ Rights, Opportunities and Knowledge Yiannis Laouris
Larry Fergeson
Kerstin Wittig
What are obstacles that prevent us from reaching our ideal society that is culturally diverse and inclusive?
21-22 Sep, 2008 Design Timisoara, Romania Representatives of Youth Organizations from 6 EU countries UCYVROK -- Uniting for Citizenship and Participation: Youth promoting Vulnerable Groups’ Rights, Opportunities and Knowledge Yiannis Laouris
Larry Fergeson
Kerstin Wittig
What are descriptors of an ideal society that is culturally diverse and inclusive?
21-22 Sep, 2008 Diagnosis Timisoara, Romania Representatives of Youth Organizations from 6 EU countries UCYVROK -- Uniting for Citizenship and Participation: Youth promoting Vulnerable Groups’ Rights, Opportunities and Knowledge Yiannis Laouris
Larry Fergeson
Kerstin Wittig
What are obstacles that prevent us from reaching our ideal society that is culturally diverse and inclusive?
2008/12/19 Nicosia, Cyprus Representatives of Asylum related Organizations URVT Yiannis Laouris
Tonia Loizidou
Ποιές προκλήσεις / εμπόδια αντιμετωπίζουμε ως εμπλεκόμενοι φορείς στην προσπάθειά μας να καθιερώσουμε και να λειτουργήσουμε μια πιο αποτελεσματική και ισορροπημένη διαδικασία ασύλου στην Κύπρο;