Annual Report 2006

From Future Worlds Center Wiki

President Statement

This report was prepared in December 2006 and was approved during the regular Board meeting for the end of the year, which has taken place December 23 at the CNTI's offices in Nicosia. The Board meeting approved the pre-final Financial Statements for 2006, renewed the appointments of its Members and the authority of its President to represent the Institute in all legal matters.

Board of Directors

Name Position Dr. Yiannis Laouris Permanent Board Member President Dr. Joulietta Kalli Laouri Permanent Board Member

Dr. Nikleia Eteokleous Ex-officio Board Member Secretary Dr. Christodoulos Laouris Ex-officio Board Member

Prof. Harry Anastasiou Board Member Pantelis Makris Board Member

George Tziapouras Board Member Xenia Constantinou Board Member & Secretary

International Advisory Board

Name Current Position Role in CNTI

Prof. Sc. Med Emeritus Peter Schwartze ex-Head, Carl-Ludwig Institute of Physiology Dean of Research Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Windhorst Professor of Physiology Prof. Emeritus Regents Douglas Stuart Vice Dean and Head of Physiology, Univ. Arizona Prof. Peter Gerjets Prof. Knowledge Media Research Center, Tuebingen, Germany Prof. Gary Gumpert Emeritus Professor of Communication at Queens College of the University of the City University of New York and co-founder of Communication Landscapers, a consulting firm Prof. Emeritus Aleco Christakis Professor Emeritus of Systems Science


Nearchos Tsangaris CAT, Authorised Accountant
Active Management
Thermopylon 73
Emmar - Andria Court
2007 Acropolis, Nicosia
Tel 22427327
Fax 22515125

Legal Advisors

Kikis Makrides, Legal Advisor K. Maklaw Management Secretarial Services Ltd. P.O. Box 22463 1522 Nicosia Tel 22 313680 Fax 22 313903

Founding Year

C.N.T.I. was founded through the initiatives of Dr. Yiannis Laouris and a team of repatriated Cypriot scientists with the support of ex-Minister of Education and Culture Dr. Chrysostomos Sophianos, ex-School Inspector Dr. Christodoulos Laouris, the Bishop of Paphos Chrysostomos and three prominent foreign academics Prof. Dr. Sc. Med. Peter Scwhartze (Germany), Prof. Dr. Med. Habil. Uwe Windhorst (Germany/Canada), and Regents Prof. Biol. Douglas Stuart (USA). It was registered on the 6th of November 1991 and launched its activities in 1993. Between 1994-1999 it expanded its aims beyond research and Cyprus by hosting a number of peace and international development projects. It was re-structured in year 2000 modifying its original Constitution to embrace those projects aiming in the development of an active civil society in Cyprus, as well as projects with international scope, especially those that involve the application of technology towards bridging the literacy, economic and digital divides (Development and IT Education). Towards the end of 2005 it evolved into a larger organization with a pure international orientation integrating all its activities under one umbrella.

Aims as in Constitution

a) Designing and execution of studies and research programs with future orientation in areas related to the human brain and learning, technology and social change, global society, conflict transformation and global peace.”

b) Development of new models of education based on recent advances in cognitive science and computing.

c) World-wide operations focused on international development, cooperation, humanitarian support, justice, transparency and advocacy of human rights, especially the right of education and the enhancement of inter-ethnic and international peace.

d) Organization of scientific, technical and cultural events or programs in issues relevant to the aims of the organization.

e) Organize, conduct and supervise seminars, congresses, conferences, workshops; deliver courses; offer educational and/or information services in the above sectors with the aim of sensitization, enlightenment or training of the modern active citizens.

f) Collaboration with universities, other institutions, organizations, and individual active citizens in Cyprus and abroad to promote the aims of the organization.

g) Serve as provider of information and consultant in academic, commercial, scientific and technical subjects.

h) Discovery, research, study, encouragement, support and promotion of new innovative ideas and methods, techniques, scientific technological, electronic systems and generally intellectual property.

i) Promotion of research in Cyprus and abroad in collaboration with other organizations, public or private, local or international for the achievement of our aims.

j) Promote Cyprus as a supporter of Development & IT education, scientific research and peace in the three continents around her, thus contributing towards consolidation of peace and prosperity in the wider geopolitical region.

k) Publication of material in subjects relevant with the aims of Institute


Extending EU Citizenship to the Eastern End of Europe

“Extending EU Citizenship to the Eastern End of Europe,” was inaugurated on the 1st of January 2006 and concluded on the 31st of December 2006. Lead Agency is the Future Worlds Center and although most activities focus on the Cyprus reality, the tools and methodologies are tested and disseminated in Denmark, Belgium, as well as in the Southern Eastern end of Europe (Turkey, Palestine, Lebanon). The project responds to the strong need for EU citizenship awareness, especially in the new member states. The proposed awareness activities make use of printed and electronic information material (distributed to relevant bodies as well as to the wide public), workshops (offered to special target groups), panel discussions (for the public) and live Radio/TV programs. The need for relevant, accurate, immediate and easy-to-access information is satisfied using an innovative communication tool, an automated call-answer centre (ACC). The ACC responds on an easy-to-remember, widely publicized toll-free telephone number. It offers a tree-structured number of layered responses. Training in topics relevant to EU Citizenship has been delivered to specialized groups such as: lawyers, teachers, activists, school counsellors, civil servant etc. Curriculum units for high schools focusing on selected fundamental human rights have been developed and will be submitted to the Ministry of Education for inclusion in their regular curriculum. The project has received funding from the EC, DG JLS.

Strengthening Asylum for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Cyprus

The Future Worlds Center is the implementing partner of a UNHCR project, which aims at supporting asylum seekers and refugees throughout their legal procedures. The applicant offers free legal advice to asylum seekers and refugees. Funded by UNHCR.


The Future Worlds Center has established the Safer Internet Awareness Node as member of the Insafe European network. Partners are the University of Cyprus, the Family Planning, the Olive Branch Foundation (Turkish Cypriot NGO), the Cyprus Youth Council and the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation. The primary objective is to implement a strong campaign, under the acronym “CyberEthics” concerning the safe use of Internet in Cyprus, which will serve the needs of all people that live on the island (i.e., also Turkish Cypriots and other minorities) and address not only issues of pornography, but also racism (currently on the rise in Cyprus), gender discrimination and inappropriate use of peoples’ images. The second objective is to engage in the process actors from the government and the civil society, thus contributing towards the eradication of cyber crime through informed actions of European citizens and public institutions that aim to change behaviours, mentality and attitudes, giving special emphasis to rural and less developed areas of the country.


The Future Worlds Center is an implementing partner of the project entitled: ‘Innovative Strategies and Opportunities for Less Favoured Areas’, with the lead agency being Cultural Association of ORIENTARE in Cagliari/ Italy. The main aims of the project are to involve Youth from Less Favoured Areas in Trainings and Actions that will strengthen their social skills, their qualifications for their professional careers, and that will help disseminate the values and objectives of the European Union. The Local Coordinator of the organisation attended a 5-day Training on the Youth Programme, Project development and management skills for working in multilateral teams in Cagliari/ Italy.

Peaceful Europe

The Future Worlds Center acts as an implementing partner of the project entitled ‘Peaceful Europe’, with the lead agency being the Municipality of Senigalia/ Italy. The project includes the development of an educational curriculum on Peace, as well as local and international workshops and seminars for citizens of all ages. The organisation will implement workshops for primary school children and their parents, for high school students, and for elders – the objective of the workshops in all cases being intercultural dialogue and peace. A group of 12 young citizens will take part in a 5-day international event in Italy in May 2007.

Unit for the Rehabilitation for Victims of Torture

The Unit for Rehabilitation for Victims of Torture is a project funded by the European Refugee Fund and the Asylum Service of Ministry of Interior. This project has been initiated by the Future Worlds Center and it will be registered as a spin off organization. The aim of this project is to create awareness and education on victims of torture, into the already available services in Cyprus dealing with asylum seekers and refugees and to create a unit for their rehabilitation. This unit assists victims of torture by providing multidisciplinary treatment and rehabilitation services, and raises public awareness of issues concerning torture and rehabilitation. It consists of a social worker, a medical doctor, a psychologist, a secretary, and a coordinator.

Everybody’s song – Music as a tool for the promotion of diversity and intercultural understanding

The Future Worlds Center developed and coordinates this international youth project which started in December 2006 and runs until May 2008. Its general aim is to reflect on the role of music in intercultural understanding and to identify ways on how to utilise it in youth work. It involves youth organisations from five different South East European countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, FYR Macedonia, Greece and Serbia. Main activities:

  • international contact making seminar and training in FYR Macedonia
  • country-specific activities: workshops, intercultural music events and productions, awareness raising activities
  • international youth art camp in Serbia
  • international youth exchanges in Greece and FYR Macedonia
  • movie screenings and panel discussions in FYR Macedonia and Cyprus
  • online platform
  • final international seminar in Cyprus
  • website with contents in seven different languages (Albanian, Bulgarian, English, Greek, Macedonian, Serbian and Turkish)
  • multimedia CD-ROM (DVD)
  • documentation booklet

Establishing an island-wide development NGO platform in Cyprus

As one of the 5 founding members, the Future Worlds Center was strongly involved in creating an island-wide platform for NGOs active in issues related to development, and NGOs that aspire to assume a more active role in this area. Cyprus was the last EU country to establish a national NGDO platform and the applicant has played an instrumental role in materializing this goal. The creation of the platform has been supported and facilitated by CONCORD ( and TRIALOG ( Members of the organisation have participated in study visits to Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava, in coordination with TRIALOG organised a conference on Development with speakers from the European Commission (EuropeAid) and the Maltese platform, hand have participated in numerous other European events. (DEEEP Summer School on Sports and Development; DE Meeting in Helsinki, Development Education Partnership Fair in Vienna, Development Education Training for the new Call for Proposals in Warsaw). The Future Worlds Center is the Cypriot representative to the Development Education Forum of DEEEP (

Talk of the Island

Talk of the Island is the first bi-communal radio programme on the island of Cyprus. It wants to promote a culture of peace and to display balanced news reporting by informing all island communities about local issues and events that are not typically covered by the current media. The show also provides a forum for open, island-wide dialogue and direct communication about on-going issues. Talk of the Island aspires to be instrumental in providing a vehicle for all Cypriots who share a vision for the future and that of a unified Cyprus. Talk of the Island started broadcasting in October 2005. The program is implemented by two skilled producers working together, one from northern Cyprus and one from southern Cyprus. It is broadcasted weekly in both parts of Cyprus. Talk of the Island is also broadcasted online at


Technology For Peace develops theory on how technology can and must be used in the service of peace. More specifically, originally as a project and for the past two years as self sustaining unit within the organization, Tech4Peace develops educationally relevant and socially responsible IT & Mobile-based curriculum. Through its Development Education program, it aims to internationally promote the use of technology as a means to bridge the various divides on our planet – the digital, cultural, economic, literacy, gender and people with disabilities. The initial purpose of the project was to design and develop a comprehensive virtual infrastructure for Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot peace-promoting individuals and groups and indirectly support their activities by introducing an Information Technology dimension to their work. Furthermore, the project aimed to become the central reference, information and meeting point, which will be providing different types of support, information, ideas and inspiration to the various peace building initiatives both in Cyprus and overseas. Although located in Cyprus, it has an international scope.


SteLLLa “Stimulation of eLearning for Life Long Learning for adults”, is a partnership of 7 European partners from Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Spain supported by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and sub-programme GRUNDTVIG. Life long learning will be a key factor for the professional, personal and social success of adults in tomorrows’ society. It is the ambitious aim of steLLLa to develop a generic method for autonomous learning for adults that can be implemented in the training courses of various professions. Starting from concrete eLearning tasks; trainers, learners and the partner institutions will create new good practice examples for several domains. Adult learners will be involved in the test settings. The project will promote these new eLearning techniques to enhance the Life Long Learning opportunities for adults. Via transnational meetings and discussions with trainers, learners and specialists, via conferences (life and video), the eLearning platform and our website, we will optimize and promote this eLearning method as a stimulating factor in the open and distance learning for adults.

Cost 219ter

The Future Worlds Center serves as the National Contact Point in the European network COST Action 219ter: Accessibility for All to Services and Terminals for Next Generation Networks. The Action merges the new mobile technologies to a humanitarian angle, aspiring to the day which new mobile technologies will be accessible and beneficial to all. Driving principle of the action is that the latest mobile systems will provide the opportunity for building a more inclusive telecommunications arena. The applicant has recently organized a European conference in Cyprus ( and is co-authoring a book chapter in a Cost219ter book publication.


C.N.T.I. is operational since 1993. It has a Board of eight members that includes personalities known to the Cypriot public and an International Advisory Board of five distinguished scientists (Germany, USA). Four full-time, eight part-time, seven external Associates, and more than 30 volunteer scientists participate in the various projects. C.N.T.I. has been successful in securing funds for its research as well as peace and social intervention operations since its foundation in 1992. According to its 2005 financial statements its revenue was equal to CYP 80.258,00 (2004:78,988 1 CYP = 1,72 EURO), its Surplus (after taxation) for the year was CYP 4.219,00 (2004:398,00) and its accumulated reserves CYP 188.994,00 (200:177.818,00). Furthermore, the Institute maintains investments in public and private companies of total value CYP 84,237

Full-time staff

NAME TITLE Dr. Yiannis Laouris President Elia Petridou Project Coordinator: HasNa Project Larry Fergeson Visiting Scientist, From Portland State University (6 months). Project Coordinator: Technology For Peace Kerstin Wittig Visiting Scientist, From Germany (6 months). Assistant Coordinator: Media Project. Astrid Bluemlein Visiting Scientist, Leonardo Exchange (4 months). Assistant Coordinator: for Media Project Jenine Alexander Visiting Scientist. Project Coordinator: Youth Section Tonia Loizidou Administrator Corina Drousiotou Legal Advisor Olivia Marangou Legal Advisor Maria Avraamidou Legal Advisor Vipar Uthenpong IT Expert Reinhard Eckert Project Coordinator Christos XenophontosResearch Assistant Anda Argyropoulou Social Worker Jennifer Baldassari Administrator URVT

Part-time staff and external associates

NAME TITLE Panayiota Shiakalli Research Associate Christane El-Haddad Research Associate in Special Education Unit Rebecca A. Brubaker Visiting Scientist (4 months) from Swarthmore College, USA Xenia Constantinou Project Coordinator: BiblioForMeda Project Tatjana Taraszow Visiting Scientist (2 months) Julia Wahl Visiting Scientist (2 months) Loredana Mihalca Visiting Scientist (3 months) Mary Olin Visiting Scientist (3 months) Matthew Pfeiffer Visiting Scientist (3 months) Ilaria Cardascia Communications Officer Dr Elias Papadopoulos Medical Director Dr. Harry Anastasiou Senior Research Scientist Dr. Nikleia Nicodemou Research Associate in Mobile Learning Unit Prof. Peter Gerjets Visiting Research Professor Prof. Gary Gumpert Visiting Professor of Communications Dr. Timotheos Papadopoullos Assistant Professor of Psychology Prof. Suzan Drucker Visiting Professor of Journalism/ Mass Media Studies Yiola Papadopoullou Research Associate in Mobile Learning Unit Larry Fergeson Research Associate

Equipment and Offices

CNTI is housed in a two-floor office located very conveniently at the business center of Nicosia at Promitheos 5 Street, behind the Hotel Cleopatra, just off Stasicratous Street and 50 m from Makarios Avenue. Its premises are fully furnished with extra office spaces for visiting associates and part-time personnel. The office areas include two conference rooms, one study room with a small library and a small kitchenette and a restroom area. Besides the relevant experience and the physical resources, C.N.T.I. created since its inception an excellent network of partners and channels of communication both in Cyprus and abroad. For example in Cyprus, it has collaborated and received co-funding for many of its projects with the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Development Bank, the Youth Board, the Cyprus Telecommunica-tion Authority, the Bank of Cyprus, the Research Promotion Foundation and many others. Probably the most important resource that CNTI has is the extensive network of committed, enthusiastic and well-educated peace builders and scientists from the two communities of Cyprus and overseas.