Stella Ioannides

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Stella Ioannides
Stella Ioannides
With FWC 1994-2003
Title Member of The Dyslexia Group
Key Project(s) Mental Attributes Profiling System
Degree(s) BSc
Filed(s) of study Education
Specialization(s) Dyslexia
Notable Achievements Chair of Computers and Dyslexia 2002 Conference

Ms. Stella Ioannides was an active member of The Dyslexia Group of the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute in 1994. She chaired the Computers and Dyslexia 2002 Conference.

Short Biography

Stella is an elementary school teacher at the Ministry of Education in Cyprus. She holds a BS Degree in Education.

Relevant Publications

  • Ioannidou, S., Laouris, Y., Haynes, C. Hook, P. Macaruso, P. (2005). A Comparison of Teachers’ Perceptions Versus Objective Measurements of Children with Learning Disabilities in Cyprus. Proc. 3rd International Multilingualism and Dyslexia Conference: Multilingual and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Dyslexia, Limassol, Cyprus, 2005.