AR 2018/President Statement

From Future Worlds Center Wiki

President Statement

Message by the President of the Board Mr. Larry Fergeson.

Year 2017 has been a year of important decisions for reforms and transformations.

First, the Board has been internationalized, and no Associate is now also member of the Board. The decision for complete separation between strategic direction and day-to-day management and project implementation is thought to serve multiple purposes and especially (i) compliance of organizational priorities with the core values and visions, and (ii) improved possibilities for taking measures to ensure long-term sustainability.

Second, it has been decided that projects and/or clusters of projects that meet two criteria, i.e., (i) they become (or have the potential to become) financially stable and self-sufficient, and (ii) they evolve more into 'stable' operations, i.e, less entrepreneurial and more service-oriented, should spin off and become new entities. Therefore three entities entered this process:

An important milestone reached at the end of 2018 was that the number of SDDPs co-organized by Future Worlds Center reached 100!

Within 2018, Future Worlds Center has been successfully implementing >10 projects in collaboration with its ever-growing network of partners. It was also a year of more audits. The Financial Unit has been continuously overloaded with such work. All audits have been successful resulting in virtually no ineligible amounts for Future Worlds Center. Some expenses of partners were found ineligible amounting to a few dozen thousands, which highlights how the EC funding, sometimes 'kills' organizations. This is why we at Future Worlds Center in line with our Vision and Mission, decided to actively search for additional alternative sources of funding. A few experimental projects have been launched, such as the teaching of computer programming and robotics to kids using the 7pi3 Educational Method.

The Futures Design Unit has contributed many SDDPs for the MARINA and the R&I PEERS projects. It has also completed the analysis for the Manifesto of the Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era project.

The New Media Lab participates as partner in the MARINA H2020 project focusing on the development of a marine knowledge sharing platform for federating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) communities. It has also contributed with its first two SDDPs within the R&I PEERS project, which is focusing on implementation and improvement of 7 Gender Equality Plans in R&I and research related organizations. The New Media Labcontinues its work in raising awareness on creating a better Internet for Children. In parallel NML works on creating an active and assisted living for senior people through its coordination of the SENIOR-TV project, while it contributes due to the combating of terrorism through its participation at the RiskTrack project.

The Global Education Unit completed successfully its work at the Map Your Meal project, and focused on Global Education Goes Local (GEGL), MigratED, Youth of the World II, The Long Way to Europe and Global Education Goes Local.

I invite you to read our Annual Report and come back to us with suggestions and ideas. This short introduction could not cover all our projects, which are described in more detail in the following pages. We are proud to have you as a friend and affiliate and we look forward to strengthening our relations, communication and collaboration within our network and with new partners.