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Revision as of 06:40, 24 January 2014

Work Experience

Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute - Future Worlds Center

Dates: Feb 2011 - present

Position: Research Assistant - Programmer/Analyst

Main Activities and Responsibilities: Software Development(Web Programming & Development, Mobile -Smart Phone Programming & Development among others), IT Support/Solutions/Consultancy, Working on various research projects (MobLang, Simsafety –Flight simulator for Internet safety, Cyberethics: Cyprus Safer Internet Center, Identifeye, From Local to Global), Participation in the writing of applications (Technical Part) for prospective funded projects and more, FWC-pedia senior developer, trainer and administrator

Project Coordinator:From Local to Global


Dates: Feb 2011 - present

Position: Programmer/Analyst - Web Developer - Company Representative

Main Activities and Responsibilities: Web Design and Development, Web Programming, Design and Development of applications for mobile devices, Company Representation in Business Networks and Meetings


University of Patras, Greece, 2005-2010

  • Degree: Diploma(5 year Engineering degree[1] equivalent to British BSc + MSc(Engg))
  • Fields of study: Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Title earned: Electrical and Computer Engineer
  • Specialization: ELECTRONICS & COMPUTERS
  • Selected modules: Algorithms and Data Structures, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Advanced Computer Systems, Programming Languages & Their Principles, Advanced Programming Techniques, Special Topics on Internet-based Software Systems, Data and Knowledge Bases, Human - Machine Interaction and Design of Interactive Systems, Computer and Network Security, Cryptography, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Microcomputers and Microsystems, VLSI Design, Advanced Analogue Integrated, Technology of Advanced Digital Circuits and Systems, Multimedia Communications . . .
  • Diploma Thesis: Development and Evaluation of Collaborative Applications for Mobile Devices[2][3][4][5]

Military: National Guard, 2003-2005

  • Title: Cyprus flag.jpg Reserves Officer
  • Trained as a reserves infantry officer
  • Storage Supervisor
  • Office Mobility Officer
  • Fuel Supervisor
  • Head of Platoon
  • Trainer e.t.c

Palouriotissa Lyceum (19.25/20), 2000-2003

  • Degree: Apolytirion – Sciences
  • Core modules: Mathematics, Physics, Information Technology, Drawing


  • Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (abbreviation in greek:ETEK)
  • BNI (Official Representation of EKKOTEK)

Workshops - Seminars

Skills and Competences

Personal Skills and Competences

  • Mother tongue : Greek
  • Other language : English [TOEFL iBT(109/120): Reading(29/30), Listening(28/30), Speaking(22/30), Writing(30/30)]

Social Skills and Competences

  • Team Spirit
  • Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments
  • Good communication skills

Organisational Skills and Competences

  • Leadership
  • Good sense of organisation and team management

Computer Skills and Competences

  • Programming Languages: Assembly, Pascal, Fortran, C, Java, Java Android, PHP, Javascript, HTML, XML, CSS, VHDL, LiveCode
  • Operating Systems: Windows, Unix/Linux, Android
  • Databases: MySQL, SQLite
  • Tools and Working Environments: Adobe Dreamweaver, Joomla, Modelsim, Eclipse, LiveCode Platform, Dev-C, Microwind, Spice, Matlab
  • Also worked with: MediaWiki, Open Simulator, SMS Express
  • Other IT: Good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
  • Graphics: Basic knowledge of graphic design applications (Adobe PhotoShop)

Artistic Skills and Competences

  • Design
  • Writing

Other Skills and Competences

  • Proficient in football (player of Anorthosis Famagusta Football Club youth teams 1996-2003)



  • Networks
  • Security
  • Human - Computer Interaction
  • e - Learning
  • Educational Software
  • Software Development/Evaluation
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Game Design


  • Conflict Resolution
  • Structured Dialogue
  • Citizen Journalism
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Internet Awareness


  • Football (football player of Anorthosis Famagusta F.C. youth teams, 1996 - 2003)


  • Traveling
  • Documentary films
  • Developing Websites


  1. ECE Statute Statute of Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of the University of Patras
  2. HCI-UPatras Thesis Presentation Announcement and Photos, Development and Evaluation of Collaborative Applications on Mobile Devices
  3. UPatras Repository Thesis is stored in UPatra's repository
  4. Invisible City website The game's website
  5. Invisible City: Rebels vs Spies IC web citation