UCYVROK - Uniting for Citizenship and Participation
The project theme is the empowerment of young people from less privileged groups and the promotion of their increased participation in the Youth in Action programme. The general aim of the project is to promote and foster the empowerment - and participation in the Youth in Action programme - of young people from less privileged groups, e.g. ethnic or religious minorities, youth from rural areas, socially disadvantaged families or other groups confronted with prejudices, discrimination or social exclusion such as disabled or LGBT youth. It meets the following objectives of YiA:
- to promote young people’s active citizenship
- to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people
- to foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries to promote European cooperation in the youth field.
Human Rights Education
Educational programmes and activities that focus on promoting equality in human dignity in conjunction with other programmes such as intercultural learning and participation.
- A pedagogy of hope
- No preacher and converted …
- A community of practice
- An environment to enhance and make heard genuine voices
- To start with those youngsters that day by day fight with exclusion and poverty …
- Create a platform for the exchange of expertise, materials and best practices of youth organisations working with the concepts of cultural diversity, human rights, empowerment, social inclusion and active citizenship
- Actively engage youth organisations in developing
a.) a Joint Vision of a European youth environment based on those concepts b.) a Joint Action Plan towards an increased participation of less privileged youth in European youth projects and activities
Target Groups
- Youth organisations in 12 EU countries
- Young people involved in youth projects
- Youth workers and trainers
- Youth policy makers
Expected results
- Web-based portal and website;
- Joint Action Plans and Vision Maps for the empowerment and inclusion of less privileged youth;
- Joint Declaration on Citizenship and Participation, submitted to local, regional, national and EU authorities;
- CD-ROM and Booklet with best practices, resources and material gathered by all partners.
European Conference on Youth Inclusion and Youth Participation