List of Future Worlds Center Contracts

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Revision as of 12:56, 19 October 2014 by Drakos (talk | contribs)
  1. Category:Funded Projects (members:125)
Name Year
ACID – Active citizens for intercultural dialogue 2009
Accessing Development Education (Contract) 2008
Biblio.For.Meda - Identification of a training and organisational model aimed at supporting the valorisation of librarians as facilitators for lifelong learning
Building a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-National Cyprus to promote European Values and Regional and International Peace
CARDIAC - Advancing Research & Development in the area of accessible & Assistive ICT
COST 276: Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication
Capacity and Synergy building among NGDOs and LAs in Greece, Cyprus and Malta for development
Children, Data and Emerging Identities
Community Based Initiatives for Peace in Cyprus (Journalism for Peace)
Coordinating Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT
CyberEthics GII: Island-wide combined Safer Internet Awareness Node, Hotline, Helpline
CyberEthics GIII: Island-wide combined Safer Internet Awareness Node, Hotline, Helpline
CyberEthics SafeInternet Node: Campaign Group for island-wide awareness on safe internet
Cyberethics GIV - Cyprus Safer Internet Center. Island-wide services for Safer Internet Awareness, Helpline and Hotline
Cyprus Bi-Communal Radio Program 'Talk of the Island': Opening Channels of Communication
Cyprus Cyber Crime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education
Design for All for eInclusion
Development of methodology and software for the diagnosis and treatement of learning difficulties with emphasis in dyslexia
Dialogue through Sports: Play for Peace
Everybody’s Song – Music as a tool to promote Diversity and Intercultural Understanding
EUROPE-AID/I.S.O.L.A. Innovative Strategies and Opportunities for Less Favoured Regions
EUROPE-AID/Peaceful Europe
EUROPE-AID/Youth Ambassadors for Millennium Development Goals
Engaging citizens to reinvent democracy (Contract)
Exchange of good practice in youth work through the promotion of inter-cultural dialogue
Extending EU Citizenship to the Eastern End of Europe
From Local to Global: Local Citizens Contributing To EU Global Policies
Human Rights and Reconciliation – Civil Society Acts Beyond Borders
Improvement of the Situation of Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2014 2014
InetRisks - Changing Attitudes of Adults (parents) on Internet-Related Risks for Young Adolescents
Intercultural Dialogue & Linguistic Diversity via MobLang
JOIN-THE-NET III – Dissemination of material for education and training on health symptoms caused by violence (PTSD)
JUMPSTART - Youth Peace Campaign in Cyprus
JoinTheNet IV – Dissemination of material for education and training on health symptoms caused by violence (PTSD)
Journalism for Peace
MDGs- Media for Development Goals
MINGLE (contract)
MIgrant Language and SociaL Integration (contract)
New Media Landscape Now!
Provision of Services for the Diagnosis of Learning and Development Needs for the Local Authorities of the Cyprus Republic
Psycho-Social Support to Asylum Seekers (GR: Παροχή δωρεάν κοινωνικής αρωγής και ψυχολογικής στήριξης σε αιτητές ασύλου)
Qualification of 3rd Sector in Europe
Reconciliation Now! A Proposal to Support Peace and Cooperation in Cyprus
Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (Contract Page)
Resource-Adaptive Design of Visualizations for Supporting the Comprehension of Complex Dynamics in the Natural Sciences
SafenetCY - Island-wide Safer Internet Hotline in Cyprus
SimSafety –Flight simulator for Internet safety
SteLLLa 2.0 Contract
SteLLLa: The Stimulation of eLearning for Life Long Learning for Adults
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2006 2006
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2007 2007
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2008 2008
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2009 2009
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2010 2010
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2011 2011
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2012 2012
Strengthening Asylum for Refugees And Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, 2013 2013
Strengthening of youth civil society intitiatives (Contract)
Teach Millennium Development Goals
Technology for Peace: Phase 2
Technology for Peace: Phase 3
The Paphian Youth: A New Generation of Peace Builders
The Project Method as a creative model in VET
The World From Our Doorstep (Official)
UCYVROK - Uniting for Citizenship and Participation: Youth promoting Vulnerable Groups’ Rights, Opportunities and Knowledge
Unified e-Hoop approach to learning differences
Unit for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture (URVT) I
Unit for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture (URVT) II
Unit for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture (URVT) III
Unit for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture (URVT) V
Using Technology for Virtual Negotiation and Peace
Using democratic dialogue to reinvent democracy
Youth Promoting Peace: Bicommunal Youth Peace Activities
Youth Promoting Peace: Bicommunal Youth Peace Activities II
Youth of the World
Youth! Envisage and design your ideal future!
“Talk of the Island” radio program
“Talk of the Island” radio program (support)