Internal FWC Training - 9 Dec 2011

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Revision as of 02:35, 12 December 2011 by Soteris Demetriou (talk | contribs)
Internal FWC Training
Internal FWC Training
Place CCMC premises, Nicosia, Cyprus
Date(s) 9 Dec 2011
Type of participants Future Worlds Center associates
Number of participants 16
Total Duration a full day

On the 9th of December 2011, Future Worlds Center Associates gathered at CCMC's premises in Nicosia, Cyprus to exchange ideas and knowledge in a collective and collaborative effort.


Welcoming talk and clarification of the purpose of the training and the scope of the digital infrastructures that support Future Worlds Center’s operations. - Yiannis Laouris

Issues covered:

Participants gain a better understanding of the importance of having deep knowledge and understanding of what the organization is about; its vision, mission, philosophy, policies and procedures. They will share ideas for improvements and learn how to use and promote the infrastructure to newcomers, visitors, reviewers, interns etc.

Relevant articles: Future Worlds Center, Future Worlds Center Philosophy, Policies and Procedures.

Editing Wikimedia: How to “program” the 12 mostly used structures. - Soteris Demetriou

Issues covered:

Participants should (a) understand the concepts of articles, categories and templates. Interactive sessions where participants will be requested to program certain structures and then discuss them. Practical information on where to find relevant information. Point-by-point detailed explanation of the 12 mostly used programming structures and templates.

Relevant articles: Templates Tree, Category Tree, I want to create an account, How to create a page, I want to create a page for my project, I want to upload and use a file, I want to embed a youtube video on my page, Extensions I can use.

Inviting, hosting and managing interns - Kerstin Wittig

Issues covered:

Interns are an important aspect of our organization. However, participants need to realize the reasons we accept them, the conditions required for accepting an intern and the process needed to plan, monitor and manage the intern.

Relevant articles: Policy: Joining Future Worlds Center, Policy: Signing an Honour Declaration, Policy: Signing a Confidentiality Agreement, Policy: Working in multiple projects, Policy: Official Language, Policy: Hosting interns, Procedure: Inviting and Hosting interns.

UNHCR: Understanding the procedures - Corina Drousiotou

Issues covered:

All members of the organization should have a clear idea of what the Humanitarian Affairs Unit and team are doing. Familiarization with procedures, priorities, networking, relations and projects.

Relevant articles: Support for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Cyprus

Our Constitutional and value policies; areas and approaches of priority - Nicolina Markidou & Kerstin Wittig

Issues covered:

What is Future Worlds Center about? What are the values and priorities? How do we decide what is of interest to the organization? Participants will be engaged in both interactive sessions and training to “internalize” the core values and priorities. The team explores and understands the values of global education and how they relate to the entire organization; The team understands the concept of Global Education and its practical implications, e.g. catering, consumables etc for office and trainings.

Relevant articles: Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus in Promoting Peace, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus on Global Justice and Millennium Development Goals, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus in Promoting Cyprus as Peripheral Center, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus on Children, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus at the interface between human brain-modern technology-social transformation, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus on Innovation, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus on Structured Democratic Dialogue, Constitutional and Value Policy: Special Focus on Future Orientation.

Sponsoring, Promoting and Disseminating the scope of every event and activity within the organization - Anna-Maria Drousiotou

Issues covered:

Why do we need to look for funding and support for our activities? How to maximize the dissemination and promotion of everything we do?

Practical guidelines on how to write

(a) Sponsorship letters

(b) Press Releases

(c) FW-pedia articles

Relevant articles: Policy: Organization of an event, Policy: Media relations, Procedure: Media management, Procedure: Preparing public reports and deliverables.

The great challenges for Project Coordinators who manage projects financially - Veronika Sudi

Issues covered:

The successful operation of the organization relies heavily on (a) financial management (b) quality controls. Participants will be acquainted with the terms and the underlying responsibilities of Project Coordinators and Project Assistant Coordinators. Managing funders’ money is a great responsibility and challenge. Participants will be informed and trained on the relevant rules.

Relevant articles: Policy: Legal-financial aspects of work contracts, Policy: Signing a Contract with Future Worlds Center, Policy: Project Coordinator Replacement, Policy: Laptop Security, Policy: Associates making personal payments to third parties, Procedure: Laptop subsidy, Procedure: Preparing a grant application, Procedure: Reimbursing associates who made personal payments to third_parties, Procedure: International Travel, Procedure: Preparing Yearly Financial Statements.

Images from the event

Presentation: The great challenges for Project Coordinators who manage projects financially

Presentations Links
