Future Worlds Center has developed over the years comprehensive Policies and Procedures.
To enable the numerous Future Worlds Center's associates easily refer to the Policies and Procedures as well as support other non-profits improve their own operations, the Organization has decided to make them public on its wiki. This will also enable their continuous updating and upgrading.
Every person affiliated with Future Worlds Center is obliged to familiarize herself/himself with the Organization's Policies and Procedures and sign the relevant Honour Declaration verifying that s/he has done so.
- Policy: Joining Future Worlds Center
- Policy: Signing an Honour Declaration
- Policy: Signing a Confidentiality Agreement
- Policy: Self and Peer Evaluations
- Policy: Working in multiple projects
- Policy: Signing a Contract with Future Worlds Center
- Policy: Legal-financial aspects of work contracts
- Policy: Counseling for Associates working with Children and Vulnerable Groups
- Policy: Project Coordinator Replacement
- Policy: Project Member Replacement
- Policy: Virtual Officing
- Policy: Laptop Security
- Policy: Public reports and deliverables
- Policy: Organization of an event
- Policy: Media relations
- Policy: Certifications
- Policy: Creating clusters of projects
- Policy: Hosting interns
- Policy: Using virtual infrastructure
- Policy: Office Rules
- Policy: International Travel
- Policy: Yearly Financial Statements
- Policy: Subcontracting
- Policy: Payments to third parties
- Policy: Associates making personal payments to third parties
- Procedure: Hiring process
- Procedure: Self and Peer Evaluation
- Procedure: Inviting and Hosting interns
- Procedure: Counseling Services for Associates
- Procedure: Laptop subsidy
- Procedure: Preparing a grant application
- Procedure: Media management
- Procedure: Organization of an event
- Procedure: Preparing certificates
- Procedure: Preparing public reports and deliverables
- Procedure: Payments to third parties
- Procedure: Reimbursing associates who made personal payments to third parties
- Procedure: International Travel
- Procedure: Preparing Yearly Financial Statements